ICE - In Case Of Emergency In Royal Oak Michigan
June 28, 2020
When accidents occur in Royal Oak, Michigan, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When Michigan police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, wallet... More

Let Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak Help You Keep Your Vehicle Another Couple of Years
June 21, 2020
Royal Oak area residents may remember when the U.S. government's Cash for Clunkers program made a splash on the news scene. People were offered incentives to trade in old vehicles for new, in the interest of better and improved air quality from reduced emissions.But a lot of Royal Oak drivers wan... More

Fuel System Cleaning at Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak in Royal Oak for Better Performance
June 14, 2020
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel i... More

Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak Guide to Using the Correct Fluids in Your Vehicle
June 7, 2020
Today's Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak post focuses on using coolant. If you pour in the wrong kind, it won't protect the cooling system and may even void the warranty. Check your vehicle owner's manual. Of course, your Top Tech Auto Repair Royal Oak service advisor will know the proper coolant... More